What you should do First

If you have been hurt, you will first need to deal with the shock and distress you may be feeling.

After that, you may want to get compensation or support to deal with the injury or its after-effects. Whatever you do later on, there are two things you should do straight away.

  • You should visit your doctor so they can take a look at your injury, even if it was not serious. This is because, medical evidence will be required at a later date to confirm the extent of the injury.
  • You should collect evidence about the accident. For example, you could take photos of a damaged paving stone which caused you to trip over. Write down details of the accident as soon as you can, while they are still fresh in your mind. If anyone saw what happened to you, get their name and address.

If your accident happened at work

You should tell your employer about the accident straight away. By law, your employer must keep a record of most types of accident. If you are self-employed, you must do this yourself. You or your employer should also report the accident to the Incident Contact Centre, which will pass the report on to the Health and Safety Executive or the local authority environmental health department, if this is necessary. 
If you do not think that your employer will record the accident properly, write to them, giving brief details of the accident, and keep a copy for yourself.

If your accident was a road accident

If you are hurt in a road accident, you must tell the police and (if your car was involved) your insurance company. The insurance company may refuse to pay out if you don't report the accident.

Call us today to discuss your case further. Please contact us on 0800 652 6547